Wednesday, September 9, 2009

You want answers????

Each year I give the kids a sheet on the first day of school where they get to reflect on the day. Part of that assignment asks the kids to think of some questions they would like to ask me. I usually collect the papers and read the questions and answer them on the spot in front of the class. However, since we have this awesome blog going now.....I'll be answering the questions from this year's crop here. In no random order.......

What is your age?
By far the most popular question. I'm 25. That is how old I feel so that is what I am going with. All you need to know is that I am significantly younger than Mrs. Lafferty.

Okay....I'm 33, but I try not to act it.

When is your birthday?

January 2. Every year. Mark your calendars.

Do you like being a teacher?

No. I LOVE being a teacher. I can honestly say that I have chosen the right path for me and never regret going into this profession or wish I was doing something else.

How long have you been a teacher?

Nine very first class in 2001 are seniors this year! OMG!!

Are you married yet?

I'm not sure what the "yet" part means...but yes I am married and have been since 2003. I think.

What is your favorite food?

This is a tough question since I have so many foods that I enjoy, but if I had to choose one I would say chicken Parmesan.

What is your favorite thing to do?

Read. Read. Read. Read.

What are we going to do this year?

A lot. (This is how I always answer this question.)

Will we have homework on the weekends?

Not if I can help it. Ultimately I like to keep homework to a minimum by giving assignments and providing time during the school day to get them finished or as much as possible. I pretty much stick to the belief that if we don't waste time we'll have more time to get work done in school. If we waste time.....I can't make any promises.

What is your favorite subject?

Social Studies.

What is your favorite book?

That is kind of like asking me to pick a favorite child. There are so many books that I love in different ways.

How tall are you?

I am five feet eleven and three quarters. I was never able to reach that six foot mark.

What is your favorite holiday?

Earth Day.

How old are your kids?

Jacob is 2 and a half and Chase is five months.

Do all your animals get along?

I have two dogs, two cats, and two turtles. The dogs and cats get along fine....most of the time. The turtles get along great....most of the time.

Do you like how our class is?

I love the combined group this year. I think it is so cool that we are the only fourth grade class. I think it is going to be a great thing for everyone.

What town did you grow up in?

I grew up in a small town in the middle of the state called Cedarville in Herkimer County. It is smaller than Hunter if you can believe that.

What character from a movie is your favorite?

Jack Skellington from A Nightmare Before Christmas.

How many jobs have you had?

A lot. Let's see....I've worked at KMart, WalMart, a full service gas station, an amusement park as a life guard, a waiter, selling time shares, and now teaching.

Are we going to have Critter Christmas?

Great question. YES!

Who is your favorite Yankees player?

Jorge Posada is a long time favorite, but I would have to say Johnny Damon as well.

Thanks for all the great questions....I know I didn't answer them all but hopefully I answered enough so you feel like you may know me a little better.

Feel free to make comments!!!

Happy New School Year,

Mr. Fletcher


  1. Hi,
    I liked how you said on my question about what are we doing this year. I can't wait until till tomorrow! cause we are going to library and P.E.!


  2. Hi Mr.Fletcher!
    What is Critter Christmas?


  3. Yeah!!!! We have comments. You ROCK!!! Great to hear from you Molly.

    Nick - Critter Christmas/Humane Holiday is something I do every year around the holidays. Instead of bringing in a gift for a classmate..we will bring in something for a dog or a cat. Everything that we collect will go to the Columbia Greene Humane Society. I'll tell you more and show you pictures from past years in class tomorrow. Thanks for posting a comment and it is great to have you as a new member of our class.

    Mr. Fletcher

  4. This is a very hip way to keep in contact with your students and their families. You are so cool Mr. Fletcher!

  5. Hey Mr. Fletcher who do you think will be playing the Yankees tomorrow?

  6. Since I have watched the game....I know who will be playing them! Not that it matters because the Yanks will DOMINATE! Great game by the Twins though. I hope some of that excitement comes to their match up with the Yankees. With a different outcome, ofcourse.

  7. that nice that you got this going and now that its running everyone can go on this real cool you rock you the best teacher i have ever had in the hole wide wrold

    Daniel gustafson

  8. I know I am behind the eight ball with your blogging...but as I am catching up I see that I have made it into your blog...thanks for pointing out the age difference. You may be younger Mr. Fletcher, but I am much better looking!

  9. Lol thats very funny mrs.lafferty hows dena doing in class is she doing here work omg thats very funny that you said you look better than mr.fleacher some times yuo can but he can look nice some days lol...........

    Daniel gustafson

  10. How is the National Teacher Test Prep going on; can I help you in any way? Just let me know.
