Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Changes when Commenting... Please Read!

Hi Everyone!

I wanted to make everone aware of a couple of things that I have changed with our class blog. I have changed the comment settings on the blog so that any comments you make are sent to my email address first and then will be posted after I have read them. I have done this for two reasons:

1. Safety. By submitting comments this way, I am able to monitor the blog and make sure everything being posted is appropriate for the site and the students to view.

2. If I know when you have commented, I can then respond to your comments if needed. As the number of posts grows, it is hard for me to keep track of who is commenting on which posts. With the comments going to my email first, I can be sure to comment in return if needed regarding a post from past months.

Thanks for your help and understanding. Keep commenting and be sure to check out the awesome pieces that the kids wrote about peace. Don't forget Open House is on Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. I hope to see you there.

Best Wishes...
Mr. Fletcher

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