Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Where did the green go?

Driving home today I was struck by the beautiful reds, yellows, and oranges all around me and I immediately wondered...when did this happen? I swear the trees weren't these colors when I drove into school this morning! What happened to the green?

We are off to a great start in the class. Having one large group has been all that I had hoped it would be and more. The kids have been working extremely hard to get used to our routine and meet classroom expectations. Thank you to all of you who have stopped by to read these posts and make comments. I truly believe that once I am able to get the kids on and interacting with this, we will have some pretty amazing things to share and comment on. The kids' eagerness for this whole blog thing and some of the other ideas I have come up with and shared with them so far has truly been inspiring.

Enjoy the colors,

Mr. Fletcher


  1. I like the blog. It is a great idea. A great way to keep up with Eric's academics and what is going on in his class. Looking forward to meeting you at Open House next week.
    Debbi Kappel

  2. The same goes for me! I am in the process of getting the kids safe user names and passwords to use on the site which won't require them to have an email address. Once this happens, the kids will be able to comment to each other in the classroom. I have so many ideas of possibilites for this so I truly appreciate you commenting and showing your support. Have a great weekend!

    Mr. Fletcher

  3. me too they came out real good how is you kids mrs.fleacher
