Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Open House...A Great Turnout!

Thanks to everyone who was able to make it to open house. I was feeling a bit under the weather that night, but seeing all the families that came out to support the school and our class was fantastic. We had sixteen out of 19 families represented at open house. That is phenomenal! The massive showing of support is something that I am truly thankful for. It seems hard to believe but October is upon us already and as I reflect on that I can't believe how fast time has gone. It seems like the first day of school was yesterday. With that said, I must complement the kids on how smoothly they are making the days go. Believe me... this is not an easy thing. With a lot of bodies, not a lot of room, and a picky, anal-retentive teacher, the kids have affirmed that this year is going to be as awesome as I had hoped. Congratulations team!! Despite what may seem like my constant are all doing a fantastic job and I'm very proud of all that you have accomplished so far. Keep up the great work!

Mr. Fletcher

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