Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My New Favorite Thing!

I recently discovered this AMAZING website through a blog that I subscribe to. My creative wheels are spinning. Especially since we study time this year in math. Here's the description posted from the blog I found out about this site from:

"If you love photography, synchronicity, and celebrating humanity, then you should check out the human clock. Every 60 seconds, a different image is displayed that somehow tells the time. There are plenty of obvious pictures with people holding the sign of the time giving a shout out to their hometown or favorite band, but Human Clock also has many colorful pictures that fall into the charming category of awesome coincidences. Check it out! They offer a tidy little desktop window so you can watch the pictures change throughout the day."

Maybe we'll be seeing some familiar faces on the Human Clock once our unit on time rolls around!

Feeling Inspired,

Mr. Fletcher


  1. This sounds great! Not only will this help with math, but the students will have fun with the pictures. Awesome way to have technology in the classrooms and build 21st century skills. I'm digging this blog stuff!!
    Hara Wilt

  2. Thanks Hara! Great to hear from you! Sorry about the Science sheet....with being the only class this year, I'm sending alot of my copying to be done when TA's have the time...I'll have to check them more carefully in the future. Start looking around for some ideas for our clock project..but not too much! I'm having a hard time driving because I'm always on the lookout for numbers that would be cool times to post!

    Best Wishes,

  3. Thanks for the comment. Hey at least you get to make copies. Our copier has been broken since the first day of school. I guess it still wants to be on summer vacation...not to worry.I will keep my mind open to any ideas about the clock project. Thanks for all the hard work you do both in and out of school. Most of all for thinking outside the box.

    Warm wishes,

  4. I liked when you said about dogs.

    funny person molly
