Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Celebrate Peace

To celebrate the International Day of Peace, students wrote reflective pieces about what they think about when thinking of peace. Here are the ones who wanted to share theirs. Enjoy!

When I think about peace, I think about being alone and having fun watching t.v.. I like to play video games with my brother. Peace means being alone when I'm mad. I like to be alone all the time every day except for when I'm in school. When I get out of school, I go inside of my house and I do the rest of my homework if I have any. When I don't have homework I play video games. I don't like to be played with when I get home from school. My two friends named Caleb and Adler always want to play with me all day every day.

by Daniel

When I think about peace I think about butterflies, peace signs, friends, waterfalls, and flowers. Why? Because these things I see, I hear, and think of. Like butterflies on a sunny day. When I think of peace signs it looks like my folder. When I think of friends, they are playing on the playground. When I see waterfalls in my head they look rocky around them like the Five Cabins in Hudson Falls. Flowers are all around my head. I love peace in everyway. Peace!

by Molly

When I think about peace, I think about animals being unharmed. I think about a baby deer being born, a horse learning to run. I think about baby animals learning to do something it couldn't do before. Whey my grandma's dog learned to play I thought of peace. He learned something new. When he learned not to scratch when he wanted to be pet, I thought of peace. Whenever I see a person trying something new I go out of my mind and think crazy about peace. When I learned to read, I thought of the most fantastic word..peace.

by Leana

When I think about peace, I think about when my family comes over for Christmas or Thanksgiving and spends time with each other and laughs. I also think about peace when I go over to my baby cousin and when she smiles or laughs with me. I love to see my whole family smile or have fun and laugh alot. I have peace when my cat comes and sits on my lap or lays with me on my bed or makes a cute face. I had peace when my dog came over and put his head on my lap and also made a cute face when he looked up at me. When I have fun and laugh I have peace.

by Rachelle

When I think about peace, I think about the anniversary of 9/11. For all of the thousands of souls that were lost that day. The sorrows that were felt that morning, but thanks to the people for risking their lives trying to save them. Some have survived, but most have died. It was a horrible thing that happened September 11. No one will ever forget that day.

by Kaylyn

When I think about peace I think about when I look at my flag at my house. When I think of peace it is when I hear birds outside my house. When I think of peace, I think of doves because doves are so peaceful. When I think of peace I think of my family because they take care of me. I love peace.

by Ellie

When I think about peace I think about babies sleeping. There is alot more to name like when in you're in school and it's silent reading time. Everybody gets really quiet. These are some things I really think are peaceful things. When you see a dove think of peace. Plus, peace is a very nice thing.

by Olivia

When I think of peace I think of my dog Cocoa. She is the best dog in the whole wide world. She loves to play. She always rolls on the floor. She gets happy when I give her a bath and when I brush her. She is the happiest dog ever.

by Nicholas

When I think of peace I think about a quiet and calm place. When I see my two dogs playing and when one dog sleeps on top of the other that makes me peaceful. Even when I walk with my dogs, just the sights I see are amazing. When I get my homework back and I see that I got a 100, that makes me so relieved. Everymorning I sit outside and hear the birds chirping on a sunny day. That makes me peaceful. When my family from Florida comes up for Thanksgiving and when I held my baby cousin is peaceful. Plus, one year we went down to their house and I was sad and the smile on her face warmed my day and I felt happy again. Wow! I neve realized how many peaceful things there are in the world. Peace!

by Dora

When I think about peace I think about when I don't talk it makes my face special. Peace is quiet to me. It makes me calm down. It helps me concentrate on my work. It brings me joy. It helps me read things. It brings me peace where I go. When my cat and dog died I was crying. I still cry when I think of them. When I go in my room it is quiet so I do my homework there and watch t.v..

by Griffin

When I think about peace, I think about nature. Nature to me is bluebirds singing and flowers blooming. But, when I hear the word "peace," I am in a quiet, peaceful place. Peace to me is love, hope, and generosity. If I have a peaceful mind and a concentrated mind I feel very peaceful in my whole body.

by Skylar

When I think about peace I think about my friends because they make me happy and also if I don't make friends then I will be bored and I will have no one to talk to. I would be really sad and have a frown on my face everyday. But I have lots of friends and that's why I always have a smile on my face everyday. My friends bring me peace. But the person that's mostly peaceful to me is my best friend Skylar. Skylar always brings me peace and this is what I think of when I think of peace.

by Winnie

When I think about peace I think about sitting at a bonfire, eating some roasted hot dogs, listening to the crickets chirping and the fire crackling. I get calm when it's peaceful and I get tired when it's peaceful. I think about going fishing with my dad. Listening to the frogs croaking, the fish jumping out of the water (at a pond). It is quiet and peaceful at the pond I usually go to. I think of peace when I spend holidays with my family. Peaceis about love and friendship. I am very happy that we live in a peaceful world.

by Jared

When I think about peace I think about seeing my grandma again because she passed away and I never got to see her again. I really miss her a lot. She meant a lot to me. I think I got the ball from the Wizards because I thought a lot about her. I really want to see her one more time. I really love her. She was the best grandma. When I went to her funeral I was crying because I didn't want her to pass away because she meant a lot to me.

by Richard

When I think about peace I think about when I get to see my grandparents all the way in the Czech Republic. I think that because the family is together. We only get to see them one month in the summer every year. All of us have fun seeing my friends and catching crickets in the field behind my grandmother's house. That's what peace means to me.

by Michelle

When I think about peace I think about my calm, peaceful dog Meika who was had died because she was very sick. I also think about my dead hamster Buddy who was very playful. Also I think about libraries. A dove makes me happy because they are nice and friendly to humans.

by Eric


  1. You did a great job with these writing pieces. Thanks for your honesty and wonderful thoughts about peace.

    Great Job!
    Mr. Fletcher

  2. peace is an aporant thing and we should all realse the thing we can do to make the world a better place.
