Friday, August 14, 2009

Making Progress!

I spent the day working with my colleagues today. We discussed this year's schedule, ideas, and things we are planning to accomplish for the upcoming school year. I have to say that it was pretty cool to hear all the great ideas the group had, but what was even better was witnessing the dedication that everyone has to their students. It makes me incredibly thankful to work with and be a part of such a great learning community. These students are so fortunate to have such a caring group of individuals as their teachers.


  1. I agree, Mr. Fletcher. It is great to see you and your colleagues so energized about the coming school year. I have a feeling that great things are going to happen in the intermediate halls this year. I'll see you again soon!
    Mrs. McCool

  2. Thanks Mrs. McCool! You're my first follower. I'm so anxious for my families to find out about this and see where it goes!
