Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Greetings Everyone!

Big news! I found out today that we have a new student joining our class this year. I'm very excited to meet him and his family. I'm sure the kids will do a great job of making him feel welcome and helping him get to know the school.

As I looked at my class list today, I realized how many of you I have had as parents already! This has got me really excited since I have enjoyed working with you in the past and I look forward to getting the awesome opportunity to work with you again. This makes me think about my first year at Hunter when I didn't know anyone. I can't believe how fast the years have gone by. I guess I'm extra nostalgic today because I was passed in my car by a student from that first class of fourth graders. My very first class.....driving! Boy, did I feel old. Not so much for getting passed, but because as I looked down at my speedometer I was going 45 in a 55 and my right turn signal had been on for who knows how long. I would have passed me too! I guess as I get older, I'm learning to slow down and enjoy the scenery. I hope I'm able to pass this on to my students before they are in their 30's. Think of all the stuff they may not miss because they were going too fast. Or, it could be a rite of passage. To that former student of mine, I thank you for passing me on Rte. 23A. You've given me a lot to think about. Just remember to slow down and take in the scenery sometimes......and I'll try not to drive like an old man.

Take Care,
Mr. Fletcher

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