Saturday, August 8, 2009

It Is Going To Be A Great Year!

Hello Everyone!

I'm so excited to get this blog up and running and can't wait to see what you all have to say. I know this may be new to some of you, but I'm hoping that this will serve my class for years to come and be a way that we can all share our thoughts and feelings about what is going on in and outside of the classroom.

This year is going to be extraordinary in a number of ways. First, I will be the only fourth grade teacher this year, which opens up an incredible amount of opportunities for our class. Secondly, as a way to show my students that you never stop learning, I have officially become a candidate to become a National Board Certified Teacher. This is a process that will probably take me the better part of a year and will be an incredible amount of work, but also a challenge that I am more than ready to take on!

I strongly encourage you to comment on the posts that are made here and make this space something special! We can bounce ideas around, share thoughts, stories, and basically connect as a classroom.....outside of the classroom.

Here's to a great year!


  1. Dear Mr. Fletcher,
    I know this is going to be a good year. Congradulations on that National board certified teacher thing. What is the topic for science this year. Science Rules!
    From, Jared

  2. Thanks Jared! I'm hoping that things will go smoothly with that National Board certified teacher thing. Science is going to be awesome this year! Mrs. Lafferty has taught all the science for the past eight years so I am so excited to be teaching science again. I'm also excited to finally have you as a student in my class....eventhough it makes me feel old since I remember how little you were when you would come to class parties when Joachim was in my class! Thanks for posting a comment!

