Friday, December 10, 2010

Me and My BIG Mouth

It's not a huge secret that one of my biggest pet peeves is seeing cars with wreaths on the front of them during the holidays.  It is even more annoying in April.  I apologize to any of you reading this if you adorn your vehicles with wreaths during the holidays.  Personally, I'm not a fan.  So imagine my delight (horror) as I looked out my classroom window this afternoon and saw this:

That's sweet, innocent, little Element, who has never hurt a fly was accosted by some "elfishly" clever practical joker.  In case you are wondering, those are indeed antlers and a red nose, in addition to the lovely wreath on the front.  I guess I have been asking for it.  I'm kind of surprised it has taken this long.

So to my funny friend who so graciously decorated my ride.....I'm watching.  And plotting.  Well played, whoever you are!

As of right now I am declaring a new pet peeve........I absolutely hate it when people give me hundred dollar bills!  (Hopefully some will come my way now)

'Tis the Season,
Mr. Fletcher


  1. Indeed, Mr. Fletcher, you have such festive friends. I did notice that it brought a smile to your face.

  2. I couldn't help but smile. It is not often that I am surprised like that!

  3. Santa's little helpers have all been identified. Now the fun begins.......

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing this coming down the road!!!

  5. Nice one watch out Mr.Fletcher some ones out to get you and the bad thing is it is its going to be a Wensday so if you talk about people`s cars
    peapar to be mad.Heather
