Thursday, December 16, 2010

How Cool Was That?

One thing I love about running the spotlight for Mrs. Hoyt's concerts is that I get to stand back and take it all in.  I may have one of the best seats in the house!  Last night's concert was fantastic.  You ALL looked absolutely incredible and as always, I am amazed at your talents.  You made your families very proud....and your teacher!  If there were any backstage "butterflies" it certainly didn't show, as the way you presented yourselves as musicians, both vocally and instrumentally was inspiring.  If you are already this good, I can't wait to see what you have instore for the spring concert!  Great Job!

Shining a spotlight,
Mr. Fletcher


  1. Each and eveyone of you should be very proud of yourselves...You did an outstanding job! To Mrs. Hoyt and all the other teachers involved in the program thank you for your efforts the night was beautifully done!!!

  2. I think that we all did good in the concert it was really FUN! I really had a lot of fun! It was a lot of fun at the concert I hope everybody had a lot of fun! Mrs.Hoyt had a lot of fun at the concert but now she's sick. I hope she feels better! You did a really good job Mr.Fletcher!
