Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Reflections on Peace

On Tuesday, September 21, 2010, we celebrated the International Day of Peace. Besides creating and planting pinwheels for this celebration, the students also created some works of art and poetry inspired by peace. For these poems, students were asked to think about peace in a variety of different ways. The first line of the poem required students to think of how peace feels. The second line describes where they are when they feel peace. The third line describes what they are doing when they feel peace. The last line is reasons for being peaceful. This is a pretty simple format for any of you to follow just in case you would like to take a minute and think about peace in your life. Enjoy!

Peace Out,
Mr. Fletcher

Quiet, nice, relaxing
In bed, outside, home
Drawing, watching t.v. playing video games
Be calm, relax, be silent
By Cody

Calm, quiet, happy
In the woods, at a waterfall, at home
Swimming, writing, reading
For family, for animals, for friends
By Jessica

Great, nice, calm
At school, at home, not at home
Skateboarding, snowboarding, doing math
To help people, make people happy,
By Lee

Happy, nice, relaxed
Home, outside, with toys
Sleeping, playing my flute, drawing
By Abby

Calm, peaceful, relaxed
At home, at the farm, at Grandma’s
Playing with my cats, riding horses, coloring
For friendship, for the environment, for the nation
By Heather

Relaxed, calm quiet
In classroom, near water, with family
Playing with dog, with friends, hiking
For friendship, working together, for animals
By Avery

Nice, happy, peaceful
Outside in my front yard, with my dad
Having a catch, playing baseball, playing with my dog
For friendship, for citizenship for the Earth
By Chris

Nice, quiet, calm
With my friends, home, outside
Playing with my friends, being with animals, being with family
For animals, for family, for friends
By Aurora

Happy, nice, peaceful
Home, school, in bed
Playing, drawing, listening
For people, for friendship, for peace
By Rory

Relaxed, nice, happy
Home, outside, my grandparents’ house
Playing football, playing Monopoly, laying on my bed
For family, for friends, for cooperation
By Jeremy

Quiet, relaxed, calm
Outside, home, in my fort
Being outside, playing with my cats, being with family
For the environment, for animals, for friends
By Kamryn

Happy, grateful, relaxed
With my family, at friends house, in my bedroom
With Justin, drawing a picture, reading a book
For caring, for friendship, for feeling
By Logan

Quiet, calm, nice, relaxed
Snowboarding, BMXing, skateboarding
Playing football, playing video games, swimming
By Hunter

Calm, relaxed, fun
At home, outside, living room
Dancing, watching t.v., being with animals
For friendship, for caring, for thankfulness
By Riley


  1. Great job everyone! You did a fantastic job writing your poems. I really enjoyed watching the thought you put into this project. You are an inspiring bunch and a fantastic group of writers.

    Mr. Fletcher

  2. Thanks for sharing their work. I really enjoyed reading their poems.

  3. Thank you Marie for reading the poems and leaving a comment. Thanks also for signing yourself and the girls up as followers! I'm hoping next week to have all the kids give the blog a try now that they have safe Google accounts that will allow them to log on safely without email or anything like that.

  4. I had a graet time writing the poems. I'm really happy there up on the website.


  5. I hope everyone likes the poems. I hope we can do other pomes this year.
