Friday, July 23, 2010

Will They Stand Their Ground?

This year and throughout your life you will make new friends. Making new friends is one of the best feelings in the world....for most people. Take some time to think about who you are as a person. Are you the same person you always are around a new friend, or do you find that your personality takes on that of the person you are around? If that is the case, why do you think that is? Making new friends is a wonderful opportunity to be introduced to new things, people, and ideas. What is important to consider is that through out this process you need to remember not to lose yourself. Is a new friend really worth losing your own identity? If someone is your friend because of something they think you it worth having them as a friend? What if you are in a group of it hard to keep track of which "version" of yourself you need to be? Let people get to know the real you...the ones who stick around will be the ones that will appreciate you the most.

You should look as good as your outlook,
Mr. Fletcher

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