Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Clear Blue Morning

Yesterday I went into Jacob's bedroom and was greeted with, "Good Morning Daddy! It's a beautiful day!" The day outside was anything but beautiful...dark clouds and humid, what you might call a dreary day. What that made me realize was that Jacob wasn't talking about the weather, but rather what the possibilities were for the day. It seems all too often that we base our description of the day based on the weather, rather than what lies in store.

A wise man once said, "Don't ever let your mind stop you from having a good time." These are words I am currently trying my best to live by. We've all heard people say that famous quote that goes "I don't care what anyone else says/thinks of me!" What I've come to realize is that people who make that statement tend to care what others think more than anyone else. I know this because I used to be this way. I constantly found myself missing out on some incredibly fun opportunities because I was more concerned with what people around me might say or think of me. What a waste! I now try to approach life like my three year old son does. When a good song comes on....get up and dance with everything you've got. Even if you are in the middle of an aisle at Wal Mart. Who cares? Have fun and enjoy every minute of it.

I will admit that this journey of mine is not an easy one. I'm still quite uncomfortable doing a lot of things in public (singing) but I realize it is going to take a lot of time to reprogram myself inorder to get back to a simpler, more care free existence.

Laugh as much as possible. Be able to laugh at yourself. Laugh with others, but not at the expense of someone else. Don't be the reason that someone let's go of their spirit and becomes worried about the reaction of others.

Dear Jacob,
Thank you for helping me to see the world in a whole new light everyday. Thank you for being an awesome big brother and showing Chase how to enjoy life. You make me smile and proud to be your dad. Be sure to always dance in the aisles and encourage others to do so as well. Should people ever laugh at you.....think about who is having more fun...and dance harder. I love you.

Leap and the net will appear,
Mr. Fletcher

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