Thursday, April 15, 2010

How do you sound?

My day at school started today with getting out of my car and hearing one student loudly tell another student to "shut up" as they got off the bus. I was immediately disappointed and realized how much more that kind of talk bothers me now than it once did. Perhaps it is because I have children of my own now and it would sadden me if one of my children was on the receiving end of that "shut up," or even worse, the person saying it. This made me think of the power our words have. I don't think for a second that there was any kind of tension between these two students because they walked in together laughing. I think this phrase was used simply as a conversational joke between two friends. What bothered me was how it sounded to someone who wasn't part of their conversation or friendship. I now wonder, in all my loudness, how I may sound to people who pass by our classroom or even in other public places. I guess it is like being in a mall or other situation with young people who are cursing. I immediately get angry when I hear foul language being used and my children or other people's children are in hearing distance. I'm not even as angry as I am embarrassed because I now know how ridiculous and offensive I sounded when I was their age. I don't necessarily have a point with all of this, other than to remember to choose your words appropriately and think about how you may sound to people who aren't part of your conversation. Learn from the mistakes of others and save yourself any public embarrassment.

Speak kindly,
Mr. Fletcher


  1. hi Mr.Fletcher
    I think your right because people should use there words carefully so other people won't take it the wrong way. If i said something like that I would word it differently. I would say nice, funny words if it was a joke. I hope me and everyone elese say stuff nicer.


  2. Hi Molly,
    Thanks for leaving a comment and I'm very proud of you for thinking about the words you choose. I know that it definitely isn't an easy thing to do all the time. Remember, every little bit helps hopefully we'll start hearing people say nicer things. Good luck on the math test!

    Mr. Fletcher
