Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Broken-Hearted Little Blog

Dear Blog,

I'm sorry you've become so neglected lately. My hopes and dreams for you have slowly dwindled as I watch you get passed over for video games and love tests. I have done you wrong by not keeping up with you as much as I would like and for becoming discouraged with the choices my students make with their free time. My fear has come true and you have become the crazy old lady on top of the hill with a hundred cats that no one ever visits. For that the fault is mine and mine alone. You do not write yourself. It is I who make you what you are and if I want people to visit you....there should be a reason to visit. It is now that I will renew my vows with you and promise to update you more regularly, even if it just with a line or two to remind you how important you are to me.

Much love,
Mr. Fletcher

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