Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wants vs. Wishes

Since it is the holiday season I'll pose this question to you:

If you could have one thing for Christmas or Hanukkah this year, what would it be?

It could be something you wish for, or something you simply want. You decide. Just be sure to give us all your reasons or explanation for your choice.

I can't wait to read your posts!

Be creative,
Mr. Fletcher


  1. i vote for wish because i wish for toys and others wii have a joly fun chistmas i wish i can see the conserd and see how good it is!!! ps. thank you for making the blog for people to go on. from griffin have a fun time.!!

  2. I wish that for Christmas I could have a Nintendo DS because on a DS there is picto chat and I would like to chat with Winnie. That is what I want for Christmas.


  3. I wish the poor will have a good christmas and the homeless. I also wish that I could get a 410 pump so when I shoot squrriels and rabbits and beavers and other animals I could donate food for the homeless. I like hunting too. That's why I wish for a 410 pump. It's a shotgun. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):):):):)
    From Jared

  4. I want a wii for Cristmas I said it would be my only present [plus games]Ireally hope I get the wii
    from nick

  5. What I REALLY wish for is the good guys to win the war. So the good and the bad guys can can stop fighting. Cause it can hurt peoples feelings and it can hurt them or they can or will die. The people thet go out to fight for us they give au there live and they can not see there family for a long time . Cuse they are giveing there live away. The family`s will miss the, and if they have children they eill miss them to . The family will miss and fell bad for them. That is what i really wish for

  6. The thing I wish for christmas is a new laptop because christian was running and the cord was there and he tripped on it ,it fell my dad opened it and the screen was all cracked it also was not working and thats the reason I am wish a new laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!
    by olivia meyer

  7. i would wish for a dsi for christmas i would not like much just a few little things have a great holiday everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from shian
