Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas for Critters 2009!

A big "thank you" to everyone for showing some love for the animals and making this years collection so fantastic. With the change in the economy this past year, it was great to see that generosity is still alive and well.

Also, a huge "thank you" to everyone for the cards and gifts. They are truly appreciated. While gifts may be unnecessary, it is always nice to be thought of around the holidays, so thank you again. My sweet tooth definitely thanks you as well!
Please have a very safe and happy holiday. Enjoy your time with loved ones and friends alike. Make the most of your time together and remember to be thankful!

See you next year,
Mr. Fletcher


  1. i hope all the dogs and cats love the treats!!!!! DORA

  2. The party for donatasons was cool. The cookies, pretsols, and brocley.

    from richard
