Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Best Cure for Stress....A Holiday Concert!

Unfortunately I had to dash out of the concert to pick up my boys so I didn't get the chance to tell all of you how proud I am of the AWESOME job you did in the concert tonight. You were absolutely fantastic. You looked good, you sounded good, and most of all you were good (behaved)! I will admit that I was a little nervous at the dress rehearsal this morning....I was expecting a disaster set to music tonight! But, as usual, you pulled together and pulled through when it mattered the most! Much like you do in the classroom. That is something that I am trying to keep in mind and remember. While the voyage can sometimes be bumpy...it is usually terrific when we finally get there. Once again, great job tonight. Be extremely proud of yourselves, you deserve to be. I'm sure your families join me in congratulating you on a job very well done! I can't wait until the Spring concert!

Special thanks to Mrs. Haines for giving me the pictures to post!

Happy Holidays,

Mr. Fletcher


  1. the concert was alot of fun!!!!! merry christmas and happy new year!!!!

  2. will we be doing that? I think that we will be great if we do that!!!
