Friday, May 27, 2011

Ashokan Bound

Next week we will be departing for our trip to the Ashokan Center!  We are all very excited and looking forward to the trip.  For this post, I'm calling on past students to share their fondest memories of the Ashokan trip with us. 

Like a wiggly bridge,
Mr. Fletcher


  1. My Friend and i had the greatest time there ever! When we went canoeing we had a mini hole in our canoe! We still had a great time! If i could go again i would!!

  2. Waz up Fourth Grade? You all are going to LOVE the Ashokan! The best time I had was when Zack and I were in the canoe. He was tipping it back and forth and after words my stomach hurt from laughing so much!

    Have a great time!

  3. My favorite memory from ashokan was the obsticle course. I love challenging my self, to different levels. I had a great time! Ashokan was the best trip in fourth grade. You guys will have fun!

  4. My favorite memory from Ashokan was the man who came in and spoke to us about owls and such. I also liked the story telling at night.

  5. I LOVE the Ashokan trip! Even though I do not teach fourth grade anymore, I beg each year to be a chaperone! Thank you Mr. Fletcher for bringing me along with you again this year. I cannot wait...Ashokan here we come!

  6. Ashokan was really fun. I liked when we went canoeing. Also I liked when we did the blacksmithing. That was fun too!! Ashokan was really fun. Hope you have a good time!!-Skylar

  7. my favortie part of the ashokan was canoing in the water.Also hiking on the hill and being with by friends.

  8. have fun on Ashokan.

  9. Ashokan was sooo much fun but my favorite part was the gorge hike which was the best thing that i did. during the hike there is a deer trail that is very was the best part. have fun at ashokan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Dear 4th graders
    my fondest memory was the adventurer corse & the night hike

  11. my fondest memory is the dinner i hade it was nodles and spagheti sause
    it was veary good

  12. It's was great! The hike was beatiful, the course was fun, the conoe was wet and that cooled me down! The food was also great! So look foward to it!

  13. The Ashokan was fun and i bet you will like the Ashokan. my favorite part of the ashokan was when we went to do the rope course . you got to do all of the techinques and then you got to go on the ZIP LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The ZIP LINE is fun. good luck on the Ashokan and have a great time !!!!!

  14. Hey guys the Ashokan is awesome!!!!!!! honestly my favorite part was the ropescorse especially the ZIPLINE!!!!!!!!!! but i most say the farm animals are pretty cool to anything you dont eat on your plate they way it and every meal you have to beat your previous score but the left over food they feed to the PIG!!!!!!! well all i could say is good luck and dont fall of the ropescorse!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will mis you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dora

  15. Ashokan is the best I had so much fun when I went and I spilled milk 3 times and went on a zipline lol :P

  16. My favorite thing last year was the canoeing and the blacksmithing. We had a lot of fun with all the adventures. Last year when we were leaving for the Ashokan it was one of the persons birthdays. If when u guys leave and it is one of the girls birthdays then wish her a big Happy Birthday! Last year we had a lot of fun with Mr.Fletcher and I hope you guys do to. Have a great trip and have lots of fun!! I know I did. Have fun wit Mr.Fletcher and dont fall for any of his tricks. OK? Have fun!! BYE!

  17. Hey 4th grade! I heard you are going to Ashokan. It is really fun, you get to go on so many fun adventures with your class! In my opinion the Zipline was the best (with adventure course). The Zipline can be scary but once you get on it is awsome!!!! Hope you have the bestest time ever. I know I had fun and are class had fun so I think you guys will have fun!!!!

    From previous year,

    Molly Sweeney :)

  18. I loved Ashokan.It was great. My favorite part was canoeing and nice try trying to tip us over. :) :) :) Also the wiggly bridge.

  19. I loved the wiggely briedg but my favoret part was night hike.

  20. my favirate part was doing the activtes and going on the trip with mr.flecher.

  21. My favirate part was going on the zipline and also the school house because we had to aked like kids from a long time ago and the teach was funny she gave kids punish ments like the duncs hat it was a whole lot of fun.

  22. Ashokan was sooo much fun. It was Jason's birthday so for desert one night we had cake. Them the fourth grade got to eat the cupcakes his mom made!!!! One of my favorite parts was getting to see my firend Avery since she goes to the school we go with. I had sooo much fun blackshimthing!!!!! The ropes coures was a lot of fun to. Everyone had fun at the school house. So, I had a great time.

    Loving Ashokan,

  23. My favorite parts i did in Ashokan were going on the gorge hike. IT WAS SO COOL!!!!!!!. Seeing the waterfall was soooo AWESOME!!! The other thing i liked was the wiggly bridge.

    Hoping I can go again,

  24. My favorite part was the zipline and the gorge hike and to see avery. i hope the kids next year have as much fun as i did because i wanted to stay another two days.

  25. I had the best time I ever had at Ashokan.Everything was totaly AWSOME!!!!! I've alredy told some of you already but for the people who I didin't tell, my friend Thomas and I tiped a canoe.We got all wet but it was worth it because we got to go for a swim! Like you guys said,it was AWSOME!!!!!

