This past week has been kind of a rough one. As I shared with the kids in class, I received some not so great news last week. Last Friday I found out that I did not make the cut to become a Nationally Board Certified Teacher. In the field of teaching, this is a pretty prestigious title to hold and it is in no way an easy process to become one. I spent the better part of a year preparing portfolio entries and studying for a test in order to achieve this honor. When I found out that I didn't certify, I was pretty upset...more sad and disappointed than anything else because the work I put into this was extensive and what I considered to be my best. I was then forced to think about this: What do you do when your best isn't good enough? My next reaction went to anger as I couldn't believe that the National Board powers that be decided to release scores less than a week before Thanksgiving. My next thought...what do I have to be thankful for? It was this question that immediately reminded me how insignificant this event actually is in my life.
If I am to truly believe that everything happens for a reason, perhaps not passing my certification this time around was a blessing in disguise. Here's a list of reasons why:
1. The process is not completely over for me....I still have two more chances.
2. I don't need this certification to keep my job. This is a challenge that I presented to myself to practice what I preach to my students about not settling or being afraid to take on new things no matter the difficulty.
3. There are some people who look at the requirements to become Board certified and decide on the spot no to do it. I, at least took the chance...even if the first outcome wasn't what I hoped for.
4. If at first you don't succeed, try and try again; which is exactly what I intend to do.
Later on in the day last Friday, I found out that there was a serious car accident on the road that my in-laws live on involving three teenagers, and one of them was killed. My thoughts about my Thanksgiving being ruined became absolutely ridiculous, especially when you think about Thanksgiving this year for the parents of the girl that was killed.
I have a million things to be thankful for this year for Thanksgiving and every other day of the year.
Three of them are:
Perhaps I needed to fail this time to remind me what's truly important.
Make every minute count with your family this Thanksgiving. Feel free to leave some comments and share what you are Thankful for...everyday, not just on Thanksgiving.
Not certified and fine with it,
Mr. Fletcher
Happy Thanksgiving!!!