Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Our Trip to Sugar Maples!

We had such an AMAZING day at Sugar Maples. We owe a huge "Thank You" to Miss Rita and her students for everything they did to make this a fantastic and memorable experience for us.

We will be studying a unit on protecting the environment and we couldn't have asked for a better way to kick it off! Today's trip to Sugar Maples was part of our "Bring Your Own Bag" campaign to reduce the number of plastic and paper bags we use when shopping....and inspire others to do so as well. The kids did a beautiful job designing and then painting their reusable canvas bags. The messages and designs the kids put on their bags are inspiring and it is great to see their excitement about being an active part in protecting the world we live in. I couldn't have been happier or prouder of the kids and the behavior they displayed today. Well done Team!
Here's something for you to comment on: Did you have a good time at Sugar Maples? Tell us all about it! Also, please explain what you plan to do with your awesome new bag. How do you see yourself or your family using your bag?


  1. That was a fun time there i will bring it to stores i like my bag very much. from griffin

  2. it was a good day at sugar mapeles but long i was realy tierd and hungry. kameron

  3. At surger mapels i had a fun time there. The next time i go to the store i will take my bag.

  4. I liked the farm and when we made the bags.

  5. hi, i hade so much fun on the trip. my favorite part of the trip was when we played red rover and when we painted the bag. i paln to use my bag for shopping and sometimes for school and my mom and dad will also use it to.
    Dora wilt

  6. I did have a great time because you get to learn about saving the earth.I amd two bags on the ground and a sun asky and on it said no!We would use the bag if we where going shopping we would use it every time

    by rachelle

  7. I had a great time. I am going to use my bag for sleepovers, school, as a laptop case and to carry my stuff in.

  8. When I went to suager maples I had lots of fun. When went I painted a bag. It look really good when I was done. Ican't wait till the next field trip!

  9. Yes I did have a good time at Suger Maples because I got to play lacrosse, and we saw three small snakes on the trip, and also I learn how to play a new game, and it was fun. I am planning to use my bag whenever I go shopping.

  10. I hade a great time at sugar maples. my bag said save the trees. I painted a tree and a bush on mine.


  11. i had a great time at Sugur Maple. It had a farm a realy big hill that we had to walk up to get to the craft room. But first we had to go to see a painting from Thomas Locker. It was a great picture. We made bags there. I will use my bag for school, at the store,or for when i go to my friends house i can put my cloths in and stuff. And thank you Mr.Fletcher for a great time. shia ferguson

  12. I had a fantastic time at Sugar Maples. I liked playing Red Rover and Duck, Duck, Goose. The bags are very good. I will use my bag as a carrier for anything at all. I could picture my family and I using it everyday.

    Skylar Coons

  13. I had a fun time on the trip the best time was that we doing are bags I had a great time at sugar maples.

    by Ellie

  14. I had a really great time at suger maples. I would maybe use my bag as a book bag. Like when we go to the longhouse I might binng it there. Or when we go to grocery store...of course. Thank you Suger Maples for letting us have this experience.

  15. I liked the trip because we got to see a lot of things that are cool max

  16. I had so much fun yesterday. Thank you for bringing us to sugar maples. It was one of the funnest field trips I ever went to. I wish Thomas Locker was there. I will probaly bring the bag to the beach, and the store. I had a great time and I think the Orcestra and the longhouse would be the same amount of fun.

  17. i had the best the ever from playing the games griffin

  18. Mr.Fletcher,you planned the most best felidtrip a kid could ever have although I went to Sugur Maples and it was the best summer trip I had. I can't wait till we see our bags that I can't wait to use. And your bag was the best. It was fun when we played red rover,tag,and Duck Duck Goose. I loved Michelles bag to Rita Mary was really funny. With out you I also got the best and the funiest teacher because you made us have the best felid trip I would ever want. I love that you put the pictures on the blog my mom probly can't wait to see the pictures and I have to show her all about the blog because of all the moving I didn't get to go on the computer same with my mom. Well oh gosh my fingers sure do hurt I just can't stop typing I think I am a typing freak. So I think I want go on the blog tonight WOW I almost forgot I have the show tonight called KIDS ok got to go.WRITE BACK!!
    from, Olivia

  19. I had a amsing time at sugar maples because I got to go in a musame .It was amsing when I did my bag and we got to play red rover we got to play lacrose ,cick boll , duck duck goos , and foot boll we all had a fun .Time and did I menchin we found two baby snaks I think one was a would snak al wels .But the most fun part was

  20. I had fun on the because it was fun to paint the bags and going to the muesum. I didn't like the bus ride there or back because no one sat with me. The rest was fun. I might use the bag to bring stuff to school ande back home. And I will bring it with me when I go shopping. I love 4th grade.

  21. Hey Mr flechter I just want to say hi. And my bad tooth has a cavity on it. Just kidding Hahahahahahaha. You should come to the play that some of us are in. Its at the Hunter Theater at 7:30pm tonight tomorrow night and sunday night it is at 2:00pm I believe. Alright write back and have a good weekend.

  22. Dear Friends,
    You are an AWESOME class. We had a wonderful day with you. You were a pleasure working with. Your designs for your bags were so thoughtful and executed in such a neat and creative manner.
    Thank you so much for the card, we love it and have it hanging in our classroom. Thank you for inviting us to be part of such a great program, we are using our bags as well and enjoyed creating them.
    You are extreamly blessed to have such a wonderful teacher, Mr. Fletcher is great!
    Have a great day!
    HTC HS Drawing and Painting Class
    and Ms. Rita
