Over the weekend, I continued down the road to recovery and tried my best to leave this cold behind me. I also spent some time curled up on my couch while the boys napped to do some planning for future lessons and activities. As I was going through some stuff, I came across a writing prompt I usually give around Thanksgiving time, and then I started thinking of all the things I am thankful for right at this moment and all year long. Why do we tend to only think of what we're thankful for around Thanksgiving? Why not all the time? Could you imagine? As I mulled over these questions and what the possibilites of a world where we showed the kind of thanks that we do around Thanksgiving, all year round would be like! So with that in mind, here are some things that I am thankful for as of late...in no random order.
1. My class this year and their families.As I hurriedly put together the permission slip this afternoon for our trip to Sugar Maples andThomas Locker's studio, I realized how lucky I was to have the students and families that I do, who although short notice, embrace and support the eduational opportunites available to their children. I'm not sure with any other group that I would be able to get a field trip off the ground in a day, so thank you for being you, and most importantly for being supportive and encouraging! (and understanding when I miss a typo in a permission slip)
2. Where we live.Thinking about our upcoming field trips made me also think about how lucky we are to live where we do. There are so many fantastic places, people, and opportunities all around our school and we are so lucky to be able to take advantage of them. As I work on my certification for the National Board, I am constantly reminded of how important the community is to the success of the school. As someone who is not originally from our area, the support of the community in encouraging the success of my students has been amazing. Thank you Hunter and surrounding towns for making me feel welcome and helping me to give my students as many opportunities as possible.
3. DogsMine especially, but all dogs in particular. I always seem to smile when I see one. I'm not dissing cats for all you cat lovers out there. My cats make me just as happy....when my dogs are not around!
4. Technology...most of the time.I'm thankful to have this format to share work and thoughts with all of you. It's nice to have this space where I can catch people up or explain my thinking on any wacky idea I may come up with. This gives you the opportunity to back me up and reassure me or let me know that I am indeed out of my mind if something isn't going to work.
5. The compassion of my students.While I was under the weather, one of the things that made it a little easier was knowing that my students would do fine without me. I was thrilled, and more importantly, proud, to see all the great comments that the substitutes left for me. In addition, while I was at school, to have kids wishing me well, completely on their own and out of the goodness of their hearts was some of the best medicine. It doesn't hurt my ego either when I say I have to leave and my students genuinely look sad instead of relieved or excited. So to my class...thank you for being the awesome group that you are!
I could keep going on and on with the things I am thankful for, but this is supposed to be a space for all of us. Take a minute or two and think about everything going on in your life. Now, I'll pose the question to you.....
What are YOU thankful for?I can't wait to read your comments.....which I am also thanful for!
With many thanks,
Mr. Fletcher