Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Causin' A Commotion

It's that time of year again where things begin to get really hectic.  Next week you will take the state assessment for ELA.  As the test approaches, I wanted to take a few minutes to remind you all of a few things.  First, you are not a number.  You are not a one, a two, a three, or a four.  What you ARE is an awesome group of kids who are not defined by the score you receive on the ELA, math, or science state tests.  Over the past few weeks I have admired your hard work and perseverance as we have prepared for these assessments.  Each day you have given your best effort and as your teacher that is all I can ask for.  I thank you for hard work, positive attitude, and most of all your patience, as the days have sometimes gotten a little crazy.  When you take your ELA test next week I only ask one thing of you.  Each day when you finish and close your test booklet, I want you to ask yourself two questions:
1.  Am I proud of what I have done?
2.  Will my family be proud of the effort I gave?

If your answer to either question is "no," then go back and do what you can to make the answer a "yes."  I am already proud of you and the effort you have given.  Keep that momentum going next week.

I've got the moves baby,
Mr. Fletcher

Monday, April 25, 2011

Caught A Lite Sneeze

Nine days of barfing.  Doesn't that sound like a verse from The Twelve Days of Christmas?  Well, its not.  It is what my wife and I experienced with my youngest son Chase over spring break.  As many of you know, this virus started before vacation and then was nice enough to carry through most of our time off.  If you put the positive spin on it, at least it was over vacation and I didn't have to miss anymore school.  However, nothing is worse than a sick child that you can do little for but cuddle and worry.  Should we bring him to the doctor?  Should we bring him to Urgent Care?  Should he go to the emergency room?  What should we do?  Luckily, as the barfing slowed down, the sun tried to come out and we were able to evacuate the house of sick and get some fresh air.  It made all the difference in the world.

Now, I don't mean to sound like a "Gloomy Gus" and complain about my vacation.  There were some definite highlights to the week off.  I was able to do some landscaping, visit family, and best of all, it didn't snow!  I'm extremely happy to report that Chase is one hundred percent back to himself and was able to have three full days of vacation without any sickness!

My sincere hope is that none of you had to endure or experience the same thing I did over vacation.  I hope you were all able to enjoy the time off and do some fun things. 

Feel free to take some time and share with us how your vacation was.  What did you do?  Where did you go?  What was the best part?  Did you sit on any eggs?  (ha ha Rory!)

I look forward to reliving my vacation vicariously through all of you!

Building...tumbling down,
Mr. Fletcher